Hello everyone! I'm new to this whole "Blogging" thing, so enjoy and please let me know of any spelling errors you may find(I am not a good typist/writer/speller), suggestions, or pics you may want to see. For those of you who don't know, my email is jared1484@gmail.com so feel free to email me and keep in touch anytime!!!
If you didn't know, I am now stationed at Osan AB located in the Songtan section of Pyeongtaek City, Republic of Korea (South Korea not North Korea lol). I have been here for 18 days so far. I have a room in the NCO dorms, which isn't too bad. I have my own small bedroom sharing a bathroom and very small kitchenette with a roommate. When I got here I was told we had the option to move off base due to a high NCO occupancy rate. I wasn't sure if I wanted to move off base or not, but the more I thought of it(remembering some of the not so good things about the dorms at Columbus and Tech School, such as GI parties, bay orderly duty, room inspections etc.) I decided to get a small apt off base. I still haven't moved in yet, but today I got a Housing Inspection scheduled for the 5th of April and should be able to move in that evening. I'll post pictures of the place when I move in.
The base is definately not Columbus AFB in MS! This may sound bad, but I'm glad to be at a real military base! Everything seems different, and I think the main reason to me is that it's a real mission. Not that training pilots wasn't, but just think, 40 miles north of little ole Columbus put you close to Tupelo, they have a mall, some good stores and resturaunts, here you go 40 miles north and you get North Koreans that seem to just be standing there waiting for an excuse to kill you! (More about that in a later post about my trip to the Demilitarized Zone, pics too!). Another thing that makes this place "real" is A-10s and F-16s flying around the base most days, which is awesome! My shop seems like it will be alright. Right now wasn't a good time for me to come because our base is having 2 major inspections, one the first week of April called a UCI (Unit Compliance Inspection) and one sometime at the end of April called an ATSEP (can't remember off hand what it stands for lol). So everyone is on edge about everything being perfect, working long hours, fixing stuff that should have never been done wrong or not been done at all in the first place. So fun stuff for me woohoo.
Anyway, this one is already longer than it probably should be, but I wanted to catch ya up a little bit. More to follow...